How To Add Creative Flair To Your Rental

Whether you are renting an individual room, an entire apartment, or your own house, it can be fun and exciting to be out on your own. Although the freedom is fun, renting can be a little tricky when it comes to wanting to make a place feel and look like your own. Because a lot of rental agreements will say that you can't change a lot of aesthetics of the home, you may be at a loss for what you can do. As long as you can make a few changes without causing any damage, you should be fine. From switch plates to new light fixtures, there are a few things for you to consider. 

Decorative Switch Plates

If you look at your walls and wish that they had some more character, then consider getting decorative switchblades to put all over your place. These switch plates can add a little bit of charm that your apartment may lack without causing any damage to the walls. Plus, you can get them in a subtle design such as brass, or you can go with something more ornate like a vintage floral print. Then, when you move out of your rental, you can just put the old switch plates back. 

Small Wall Decals

Even though removable wallpaper claims to be removable, it can sometimes take the paint off of the walls, which is the last thing you want to mess with in a rental. If you still want the look of wallpaper but you don't want the risk, then consider getting removable wall decals. These decals are typically pretty small, and you can stick them on your walls so that they mimic a wallpaper pattern, but they are really easy to remove when it's time to move out. 

Light Fixtures

You may not know it, but light fixtures are fairly easy to either install on your own or to pay an electrician to install. And, the great thing about light fixtures is that you can switch them out without ever causing any damage to the ceiling (as long as they are installed correctly). With so many fun light fixtures out there, you can transform your entire place for just a couple of hundred dollars. For instance, you can add a fun new chandelier in your dining room or a statement light in your bedroom. 

As long as you keep the rental's original fixtures so you can put them back when it's time to move out, you should be good to go. 
